Corporate Edition

The time to adopt AI is now!

Save the date

Meet us at AI.SUMMIT 2024 on December 5, 2024 at EMPORIO Tower, Dammtorwall 15, 20355 Hamburg, Germany

Welcome to the AI.SUMMIT 2024

As the first international AI.SUMMIT in Hamburg, the AI.SUMMIT 2024 will be the platform for corporates and SMEs to connect with the powerful local AI ecosystem of AI solution providers and AI startups, gain insights from real-world use cases as well as be inspired by well-known AI experts from AI driven economies like the U.S.

The AI.SUMMIT is hosted by AI.GROUP, the leading AI ecosystem builder, investment fund, impact advisor and venture lab based in Hamburg.


Join us on top of Hamburg at the EMPORIO Tower Hamburg for the AI.SUMMIT 2024

Program 2024

The AI.SUMMIT 2024 is built around three hands-on, thought-provoking and interactive pillars and formats to uncover today’s AI potential, chart tomorrow’s frontiers, and connect with innovative solution providers. These three pillars will be delivered through two masterclass stages (up to 80 people each), 1 main stage (up to 300 people) as well as an exhibition space and a networking floor.


Dive into real-world use cases with workshops


Engage with thought leaders through talks & panels


Exhibition of AI in action & networking opportunities


Are you a thought leader in artificial intelligence, machine learning, or cutting-edge technology? Do you have groundbreaking ideas, insights, and expertise to share with a global audience? We invite you to take the stage at AI.SUMMIT 2024!

Why Speak at AI.SUMMIT 2024?

  • Showcase Your Expertise: Deliver a keynote, lead a panel, host a masterclass, or moderate a session, and position yourself as a top voice in AI.
  • Connect with Industry Leaders: Engage with a diverse community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers who are shaping the future of AI.
  • Drive Impact: Share your vision and influence the direction of AI, sparking discussions that could lead to transformative ideas and collaborations.
  • Expand Your Network: Build meaningful connections with peers, potential collaborators, investors, and partners from around the world.

We are looking for speakers who can inspire, educate, and challenge the status quo. Whether you have groundbreaking research, practical applications, or thought-provoking theories, we want to hear from you!

Ready to join us? Read our Agenda below and submit your application today and be part of a transformative event that will shape the future of technology.

Industry tracks discussed

Impact of GenAI in Enterprises

AI driven innovation in enterprises happens in all areas: Marketing & Sales (Language & Text, Image & Video, Operations), IT & Software, HR Management & Recruitment, Finance Operations and Analytics, Customer Operations & Data Intelligence and Cyber Security.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Sustainability & Renewable Energy

Logistics, Mobility & Marine

Industrial AI

The Future of Fintech

Commerce & Consumer


More than 30 AI startups and solution providers in the areas of Health, Marketing & Sales, Logistics, Sustainability and Industry CONNECT with corporates at the new exhibition center for the next AI adoption. The exhibition offers matchmaking events, coffee breaks to network and unique AI in action moments.


Exhibition of AI in action & networking opportunities

Startup Package & Sponsorship

Time to invest in AI innovation

Whether you are an AI startup or a from an enterprise, the AI.SUMMIT exhibition is the perfect symbiosis for AI innovation and adoption. Put yourself on the map for the next wave of AI advancements.



Sponsorship Package

Become an AI.SUMMIT Sponsor

Enjoy valuable networking opportunities to connect with leading minds and gain exclusive access to cutting-edge AI technologies and future talents from startups and universities.

Media partners

Media Package

Become an AI.SUMMIT Media Partner

Explore our exclusive media package and join us in showcasing Hamburg's brightest AI innovations to the world.

Success 2021/2023



Impressions from past events


 The following gallery will provide a preview of the key moments from past years and offer a preview of what can be anticipated at the upcoming event.

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