AI Insights

Artificial intelligence is undergoing rapid development. AI.Hamburg would like to give an overview, insight and information so that opportunities are recognized and solutions find users. Here you will find links to relevant information, which we are continuously expanding.

AI Courses

AI for everyone – the basics of AI (English)

Video course by Andrew Ng at Coursera.

This video training is designed for executives and managers – and for everyone who wants to better understand what AI means for companies.

In this course you will learn:

  • The meaning behind general AI terminology, including neural networks, machine learning, deep learning and data science.
  • What AI can realistically do – and what it can’t do –
  • How to identify opportunities to apply AI to problems in your own organization
  • What it feels like to set up machine learning and data science projects
  • How to work with an AI team and build an AI strategy in your company
  • How to find your way in ethical and social discussions around AI


Although this course is largely non-technical, engineers can also take this course to learn the business aspects of AI.

Elements of AI (German / English)

The Elements of AI” is a series of free online courses developed by the Finnish consultancy Reaktor and the University of Helsinki. The aim is to bring the topic of AI closer to as many people as possible: What is AI? What can AI do (and what not)? And how are AI methods developed?

The courses combine theoretical knowledge transfer with practical exercises, and the participants can determine their own learning pace.

A basic knowledge of mathematics is helpful, but not absolutely necessary. The course can be held in 2-3 days (with previous knowledge) or over a few weeks.

KI Course of the Federal Competition KI (German)

The national AI competition is aimed at pupils from the 8th grade upwards who are interested in the topic of AI. This year it will be held for the second time ( ).

To learn the basics of AI programming, there is a free online course for students, teachers and all interested people. The course includes a tutorial that enables the programming of an own AI. Social AI topics such as surveillance, autonomous cars and the transformation in health care are also covered. Programming skills (ideally in Python) are helpful.

Books and Reports

AI Transformation Playbook – How to lead your company into the AI era (English)

Good summary of the most important steps to an AI strategy and its implementation in companies by Andrew Ng.


  • Execute pilot projects to gain momentum
  • Build an in-house AI team
  • Provide broad AI training
  • Develop an AI strategy
  • Develop internal and external communications

The Essential AI Handbook for Leaders (English)

Compact introduction to the topic AI in companies. Provides the basics and instructions for defining and implementing an AI strategy. Includes a checklist.


  • The Potential of AI
  • Understanding AI
  • Applying AI

New business models with artificial intelligence (German)

Report of the Learning Systems Platform on AI, how business models are changing. Including some case studies.

Movies and Films

Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI (English)

“Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI” examines the extraordinary way in which people interact with artificial intelligence today. Hobbyists and teenagers are now developing technology driven by machine learning, and WIRED shows the impact of AI on school children, farmers and seniors and explores the impact that rapidly accelerating technology can have. The film was made by filmmaker Chris Cannucciari, produced by WIRED and supported by the McCann Worldgroup.

Deepmind AlphaGo – The Movie (English)

The Netflix documentary about the creation of Deepmind AlphaGo and the historic victory over Go World Champion Lee Sedol. Absolutely recommendable.