KI Marktplatz – Plattform Launch Event

Donnerstag, 26. März 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr

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Going live – Platform Launch Event
The time has finally come that we will launch our AI Marketplace platform. For this occasion, we plan to host a special virtual launch event to which you are cordially invited:

Friday, 26 March 2021 | 2 – 3.30 PM
Online Event


  • 2.00 PM AI Marketplace – a success story
    2.15 PM Getting real – live demo of the AI Marketplace
    2.40 PM AI Marketplace – what comes next?
    3.00 PM AI vision for the Marketplace
    3.15 PM AI Marketplace – more than a platform
    3.30 PM End

Please mark this date in your calendars already and celebrate this exciting launch together with us.You will receive further information on the agenda and the “venue” not long after your registration. To stay tuned about the latest news on event details please also follow the AI Marketplace on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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