[Whitepaper] AI CENTER auf der PHOTOPIA 2023

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Artificial intelligence is part of PHOTOPIA

„This year, you can feel a special anticipation for PHOTOPIA everywhere, because it is the forum for the relevant trends and topics of the industry. We span a range from traditional analogue photography to nature photography, street and documentary photography, drone photography and current practical issues around AI image generation. We are currently experiencing an AI revolution that is fundamentally changing photography and video. How profound this transformation is, is not only evident in the production process, but also in the social debate about how to deal with AI-generated images. All these developments are the subject of PHOTOPIA. In the AI CENTER, in cooperation with AI.HAMBURG, we will present forward-looking AI solutions for the entire industry.”

Bernd Aufderheide, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Hamburg Messe und Congress

Don’t miss opportunities – use artificial intelligence

“AI is the most important technology of our time. Because of it , we will be able to better solve big problems such as sustainability, health, nutrition and productivity for the economy in the future. This means we are in the most promising decade in human history.
AI is already being used in almost all areas of photography and videography. The cooperation with PHOTOPIA for the AI CENTER and this white paper has shown us once again: Operations are becoming more innovative, efficient and sustainable. Since the end of 2022, AI has also reached consumers with ChatGPT & Co. There are around 6,000 AI companies in Europe and just under 800 in Germany, of which around 80% offer standard AI software. This makes AI companies an important innovation driver for Germany and Europe as a business location. This must be supported and promoted. The possibilities of application as software-as-a-service (Saas) have greatly reduced investment costs and risks. We should not miss this opportunities, we must use AI. And the time to invest in AI is NOW!“

Petra Vorsteher and Ragnar Kruse, AI.HAMBURG

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